Aubade to My Bed
Do you even know how at this hour, under these conditions,
I’d almost choose to lose my mind than leave you
as you are — still warm from the touch of my body
and our night’s embrace?
I’ve heard of people crying as they shower before work,
so bereft at the thought of having to engage in the fruitless
struggle with an indifferent world outside the home
and away from the beating hearts of loved ones.
I’m steelier than that. Strong enough to take this
last caress of your cushiony surface, so responsive
to my touch, and stand, pulling the blanket up for you,
and leave you, knowing how I can safely hold you in my thoughts
confident that when I return we will be reunited — my body
upon your soft, yielding one. Your inviting embrace enveloping
me in dreams upon dreams upon empty dreams until the turn of the earth
topples me into the mad pantomime of the awakened world once again.