Thank you so much! I teach meditation and mindful awareness classes and this will be indispensable. And, of course, this is taught in so many words in schools of Buddhism and mindfulness. I think the one thing I would add to this is NOTE HOW TURNING TOWARDS THE SENSATION OF FEAR AND SIMPLY NOTING THAT IT IS PRESENT REDUCES THE INTENSITY — PROVIDES JUST THE SLIGHTEST DISTANCE BETWEEN YOUR FEAR AND THE AWARENESS OF THE FEAR. (INCIDENTALLY, NOT UNLIKE THE EFFECTS OF SOME BENZODIAZEPINES.) IN DOING THIS, YOU CAN TANGIBLY UNDERSTAND THAT THE FEAR IS IMPERMANENT AND A PRODUCT OF THE MIND. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU FULLY SENSE AND HONOR THE LIBERATION THAT ARISES IN THAT MOMENT. DOING SO INSTILLS CONFIDENCE AND A SENSE OF MASTERY OF MIND OVER MIND.